“I stand strong and united with Hoosiers in condemning all hate.” – Destiny Wells
May 15, 2024
INDIANAPOLIS—In response to Attorney General Todd Rokita’s press release “warning” to college officials, Destiny Wells made the following statement:
“Attorney General Todd Rokita’s warning about antisemitism to college officials is suspect at best,” stated Destiny Wells, candidate for Indiana Attorney General. “Unlike Rokita’s threatening of protected First Amendment speech, I encourage the political awakening of our youth in spaces like academic institutions, much like I joined the military from my Indiana University campus as we entered the war in Iraq after 9/11. While I may not always agree with one’s position, college years are formative in figuring out a complex world—this is the American way.”
“If Todd Rokita is serious about combating antisemitism and hate in all its forms, he would use the power of his office to advocate the legislature revisit SEA 198-2019 in order to remove Indiana from the list of states without comprehensive hate crimes legislation.”
It is only with a change to the Indiana Code that all Hoosiers will be protected from hate crimes like the instances Rokita suggests in his press release today.