Las posiciones políticas de Destiny se alinean con sus valores, para que la Democracia funcione para cada Hoosier, debe funcionar para todos los Hoosiers. Ella cree que debemos avanzar juntos para lograr la libertad de voto, liberarnos del sabotaje electoral que la extrema derecha en el poder ha estado planeando desde noviembre de 2020 y brindarles a los empresarios y pequeñas empresas, incluidas las que se enfocan en el cannabis, la oportunidad y libertad para prosperar. Ella luchó por la democracia en las guerras de Estados Unidos al extranjero, y ahora es el momento de asegurar la democracia con elecciones libres y justas en casa.
Welcome! We're so grateful to have you on #TeamWells! Below you'll find graphics, captions, and prompts to help you get started posting your personal content to boost Destiny's message. If you'd prefer, sharing Destiny's posts is a great start!
Caption/Story Prompts
Not sure how to start captioning your posts or talking on Stories? Here are a few ideas:
Why are you passionate about Destiny winning this election? How will it benefit you and your network?
Why is Destiny your candidate? What about her platform do identify with most?
What current events have strengthened your resolve to vote for Destiny?
What do you wish people knew about this race?
Still not sure? Here are a few options that you can add to:
Destiny Wells is a leader, combat veteran, mother, democrat and proud Hoosier. She is the leader we need as our next Attorney General. Join me in voting for her in November.
I am proud to support Destiny Wells for Attorney General! Will you join me in voting for her in November? #VoteYourDestiny
Facebook/Twitter Graphics
Instagram Post Graphics
Story Graphics
Our strength is amplified with collective grassroots support, and you can help make a difference today! People give money to people they know and like. A fundraising form with your testimonial of why you think Destiny is the best candidate for Indiana Attorney General can have a huge impact on our fundraising and spreading Destiny's message.
To start your own fundraising page that you can share with your friends, family, and personal network, click here.
You'll have to log-in or create an actblue account and create your URL for the page.
Then you get to work personalizing your page. The above section with story prompts and stats is a great resource when getting started.
Do you love entertaining? Do you want to host an event in your home or at a local space?
We're looking for hosts for fundraisers or listening events out in the community!
Check out our Event Host Toolkit for more details!
#TeamWells is always looking for volunteers! We hold weekly onboardings and are looking for:
Campaign Helpers: Scheduling, taking photos, answering emails/calls, etc.
Social Media Ambassadors: Using your social media savvy for #TeamWells
Community Event Host: Host a fundraiser or meet and greet.
Outreach Team: Canvassing, texting, phone banking, or postcard writing.
Community Liaison: Connect Destiny with your local community and help organize volunteers.
If any of these opportunities sound like you:
Do you feel passionate about maintaining the integrity of our State? Or are you just really excited about Destiny being our next Attorney General?
Writing a letter to the editor can be a great tool to spread your message. A short letter either responding to a specific issue or celebrating Destiny can be a simple and effective way to show your support and encourage others to consider the same.
Here are a few tips from Citizens Take Action for writing your first letter to the editor:
Keep it relevant – respond to a recent article or column in your local paper from the past few days.
Keep it short and effective! Letters to the editor are most effective at 200 words or less.
Cite your sources! Be sure to use verified facts and include the original source.
Look for instructions to follow from the publication, including what the subject line should say.
Don’t be shy! You will likely need to include your name and contact information. The publication should note exactly what they need from you.
Visit Citizens Take Action to learn more and find templates to help you get started!
Know your voting rights & have a voting plan
Register to vote or confirm your voter registration status.
October 7th is the last day for you to register. Visit for details, ensuring you are prepared.
Add Election Day to your calendar now. Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th.
Create a voting plan. Consider creating a plan with your neighbor or friend to hold each other accountable.
Where is your closest polling location?
Will you vote early?
Does your employer allow you to vote during the day?