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  • Destiny Wells

Response from Destiny Wells on President Joe Biden's Address Regarding Threats to Democracy


NOVEMBER 2, 2022

“As Indiana’s Secretary of State, I will reestablish Hoosiers’ confidence and trust in our electoral system,” said Destiny Wells. “I pledge to oppose all threats to American democracy. I pledge to reject all political violence that President Biden spoke of this evening and honor the results of Tuesday’s election.”

“I call on my opponents to do the same—especially Diego Morales, who has repeatedly doubled down on his narrative undermining Hoosiers’ trust in our elections, even calling the 2020 election a scam.”

Notes to Press “Diego Morales is an election denier—he himself claimed the 2020 Election was a “scam,” said Destiny Wells, the only pro-democracy candidate for Indiana Secretary of State. “Diego’s sudden affinity for basic democratic principles like voting is a shoddy attempt at damage control of his poor reputation—if he wants to be serious with Hoosier voters he needs to leave the America First Secretary of State Coalition.”

Other items of note regarding Diego Morales:

  • Diego Morales stands accused of multiple sexual assaults

  • Diego is uniquely unfit to serve in public office, having been fired, twice, from the very office he is seeking.

  • Diego spent close to $44,000 of campaign funds on a brand new car, before he secured the Republican nomination for Secretary of State in June.

  • Diego palled around with criminally convicted Steve Bannon and continues to espouse anti-democratic values as a sworn member of Trump-backed America First Secretary of State Coalition alongside fellow election denier Mark Finchem (R-AZ).

Destiny Wells is an eighth-generation Hoosier campaigning for Indiana Secretary of State. Destiny knows Hoosiers are counting on her to give democracy its rightful place in Indiana elections. Destiny is a wife, mom, combat veteran, attorney, and entrepreneur. She’s a no-nonsense leader who won’t shy away from a fight to protect our elections and preserve every Hoosier’s democracy. Learn more at


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